5 Website Design Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Web design can be complicated because of a variety of elements and factors. They can also make it more difficult for users to use the site. If you don’t want to alienate your target audience, here are the six most common mistakes in website design.

1. Your website should not be cluttered

You run the risk of creating a weak foundation and adding unnecessary elements simply because they are there. Before you start designing, it’s worth learning the basics of design. It is important to have a clear idea of the goals and objectives for your website. Web design software today offers so many tools and options (pop-ups animated logos embedded video), that even amateur designers can quickly become overwhelmed. Do not get caught up in busy designs that overwhelm users with pop-up ads, outplaying videos (plural), and a chaotic navigation bar. Instead, do a Marie Kondo to keep your web design clutter-free. Keep it simple. Successful web design involves slotting the pieces together bit-by-bit. It is easy to avoid overcrowding your design. This is because you must resist the temptation to add more elements to your website “to see what happens”. If you don’t know what an element on your page does, it should not be there. To give users the best possible experience, keep your focus on creating a simple, solid structure.

2. Jumping right onto the computer

This second mistake in web design leads us straight to the heart and soul of web design. Web design is still viewed by most business owners, and a large number of amateur web designers as an activity that happens “on the computer”. Although it is true that you will see your final creation in this manner, there are many things that can be done to improve its design. When designing your website, it is best to use more traditional artistic techniques than a web designer or program. Start by sketching out the idea for your web design before you jump into a computer or web builder. The best way to design a website is to use a pencil and paper. First, create a list with your objectives and then design pages that focus on this core objective. This will help you spot redundancies and streamline your website. This is why web designers who are the best can charge high fees. They don’t know website-building software, although most people can. However, they are skilled in structuring websites and can assist you in ensuring that your vision is realized before you even touch a computer.

3. Grids, guidelines, and columns are best viewed from above

Next, you will need to create templates for your pages. Even the most basic website builders have tools to help you set grids, columns, and guidelines. These tools are often overlooked by younger web designers, who believe they are only for older sites. Grids are the fundamental structural element of any well-designed web site. They should be used to organize the visual elements on a page. Grids and guidelines were the foundation of graphic design skills long before the advent of web design. They will continue to be an essential tool for many years. No matter how visible the grids or columns lines are on your website, they still serve as the foundation of your site’s underlying framework and determine the proportions of elements. Grids are used to divide web pages horizontally and vertically. They also dictate the alignment of different design elements. It is possible to combine grid-based design and more modern design techniques with consumer research. There are many ways that consumers interact with the internet, so there is a wide range of expectations about how different web pages should look and feel.

4. Visual hierarchy lacking

Our fourth mistake in website design is slightly more complicated, at least for newbies to web design. We see the most common mistake on new websites: they ignore the importance of visual hierarchy. A visual hierarchy refers to the orderly arrangement and ranking of elements. If you don’t do this correctly, users may be overwhelmed by all the features in your designs trying to grab their attention. This will result in no conversions as they won’t be directed efficiently to your CTA. You can create a visual hierarchy by thinking about why your visitors are visiting your site. Do UX research to ensure that the user flow is seamless and intuitive. Ecommerce sites are a good example. They keep their branding out of the user experience. They serve as a portal where customers can find and purchase the products they are interested in. A lot of ecommerce websites are well designed and will remind users which site they are on after they have finished the seamless, smooth process of purchasing a specific item.

5. Not focusing on accessibility

Web design is not complete without accessibility. Leaving this unchecked can have a serious impact on the results your site achieves. Many companies recognize the importance of making websites accessible to people with disabilities and abilities. While there are moral reasons to make your site accessible to as many people as possible, there is also a business argument. Your chances of selling well can be increased by expanding your audience.


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